International Law and the Sustainable Governance of Shared Natural Resources: A Principled Approach
(Meijers Research Institute Leiden University 2020)
Also available in book format.
'Observer participation in international climate change decision-making: A complementary role for human rights?', 31 Colorado Natural Resources, Energy, & Environmental Law Review 2 (2020) 315
'Why ‘common concern of humankind’ should return to the work of the International Law Commission on the atmosphere', 29 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 131 (2017)
'Differentiating between Sovereignty over Exclusive and Shared Resources in the Light of Future Discussions on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers', 24 Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL) 1 (2015) 4
'Community of Interests: Furthering the Ecosystems Approach and the Rights of Riparian Populations', 24 The Journal of Water Law 2 (2015) 62 (revised version 2020)
'China’s Obligation to Conduct Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (TEIA) in Utilizing Its Shared Water Resources', 55 Natural Resources Journal 1 (2014) 105, with Yongmin Bian
'Global Green Governance: Embedding the Green Economy in a Global Green and Equitable Rule of Law Polity', 21 Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL) 1 (2012) 12, with Joyeeta Gupta
'Recent Changes in the Nile Region May Create an Opportunity for a More Equitable Sharing of the Nile River Waters', 58 Netherlands International Law Review 3 (2011) 363, with Joyeeta Gupta
‘Principles for the Sustainable Governance of Shared Natural Resources’ in N. Blokker, D. Dam-de Jong and V. Prislan (eds.), Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, Sustainable Development (Brill Nijhoff 2021)
‘How the Sustainable Development Goals Promote a New Conception of Ocean Commons Governance’ in D. French and L. Kotzé (eds.), Sustainable Development Goals: Law, Theory and Implementation (Edward Elgar 2018)
'Elaborating the Common But Differentiated Responsibilities Principle in the World Trade Organization' in M. C. Cordonier Segger and Judge C.G. Weeramantry (eds.), Sustainable Development Principles in the Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals: 1992-2012 (Routledge 2017) with Joyeeta Gupta
'The Common But Differentiated Responsibility (CBDR) Principle Elaborated in Relation to Other Principles of Law’, in M. Cherif Bassiouni, et al., (eds.), Global Trends: Law, Policy & Justice: Essays In Honour of Professor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo, Global Community: Yearbook of International Law & Jurisprudence (Oxford University Press, 2013) with Joyeeta Gupta
'Gobernanza Sostenible de los Recursos Naturales Compartidos: el Principio de Soberanía', Visiones internacionales Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile, 9 (2020) 31
‘What Latin America and the Caribbean Could Do to Strengthen Public Participation in the Climate Change Regime’, Visiones internacionales 22 (2017) 6